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Wanishita Jinja Shrine

8th Century

A shrine located on a kofun tomb, where the guardian deity of Ichinomoto resides.

Passing through the red torii gate along National Highway 169, the main approach to Wanishita Jinja shrine continues east toward a small, thick forest. Inside the forest, a long and steep set of stone steps leads us up to the large worship hall and main hall. When we are climbing the stone steps, we are actually climbing the mound of a kofun tomb, Wanishita Jinja Kofun tomb! Yes, Wanishita Jinja shrine is actually standing on a keyhole-shaped tomb!

Wanishita Jinja shrine has been documented to have existed in the 8th century, and ancient kawara roof tiles from that era were excavated from here as well. Through the lattice of the worship hall, we can see the sacred, beautiful main hall. With a thatched hiwadabuki roof, it was built in the Momoyama Period style (1568-1600 CE) and is designated as a national important culture artifact.

One of the most powerful clans of ancient Japan, the Wani Clan was based in this part of Tenri City, and their ancestor was once worshipped at Wanishita Jinja shrine. In addition to the shrine, there are many places in Ichinomoto Town thought to have connections to the Wani Clan.

Today, Wanishita Jinja shrine is the shrine of the guardian deity of the Ichinomoto area. The local people hold a Gion Matsuri festival every July 14th, and an Aki Matsuri autumn festival on the second Sunday of every October, and it is very lively with vendor stalls, etc.


By car: Wanishita Jinja shrine is less than 1 km north of the Tenri IC on the Nishi-Meihan Expressway.

By train: Wanishita Jinja shrine is about 1 km east of JR Ichinomoto Station.

By bus: The main approach of Wanishita Jinja shrine is just a few dozen meters north of the Ichinomoto bus stop on the Nara Kotsu bus line.


On the edge of the shrine’s forest is an area called Utazuka, dedicated to 7th century poet Kakinomoto no Hitomaro, who is said to have been from what is today Ichinomoto Town. With 19 long choka poems and 75 short tanka poems included in the renowned Man’yoshu collection, he is one of the Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry and famous all across Japan.

Continuing east from the shrine and through a housing community is Akatsuchiyama Kofun tomb. Closer to JR Ichinomoto Station is the famous Kamitsumichi road and Kamikaido road, which features a traditional streetscape, and historical shrines such as Ariwara Jinja shrine and Nara Jinja shrine.


One of the most fascinating aspects of Wanishita Jinja shrine is that it is located atop a kofun tomb! Getting its name from the shrine, Wanishita Jinja Kofun tomb is a 4th century keyhole-shaped tomb. Near the bottom of the steps is a flat boulder that is said to have been the lid to the coffin inside the tomb.

With a 4th century kofun tomb, 7th century poet, and 8th century shrine, this is one of those places where we can feel why Tenri is Time Travel City.



Course: Ichinomoto Course
Address:2490 Ichinomoto Town, Tenri City, Nara Prefecture
Rest Area:No
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