
Seven-Branched Sword


Nihonshoki, Chronicles of Japan


Kofun Tomb


Excavated Mirror


Legendary Poet

Yamato Sanzan seen from Mt. Ryuo

Just Like an Aurora

Be a Time Traveler.

The monthly ceremony at Isonokami Jingu shrine

The monthly ceremony at Isonokami Jingu shrine

Frozen Momoo Falls

Freezing Momono-o

Yamanobe no Michi Dosojin

Safety on the Road

Baramon Sugi cedar trees at Eisho-ji temple

Baramon Sugi cedar trees at Eisho-ji temple

Snowy scenery at Chogakuji Temple

Snowy scenery at Chogakuji Temple

Oyamato Shrine/bow beginning festival


Kurozuka Burial Mound and Yanagi Lantern Festival

Ryutoe Festival

Gingko trees, the tree of Tenri City

Gingko trees, the tree of Tenri City

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Tenri City, Nara, a land where a few steps mean a few hundred years. Where the oldest path in Japan winds through ancient tombs and meets one of the country’s oldest shrines. Where we step off the train to experience a modern interpretation of ancient tombs. Where daily life includes medieval townscapes and hip cafes frequented by college students. It is this long, colorful range of history that makes Tenri “Time Travel City”. We never know which era we will visit! So be curious, be playful, and most of all, be a Time Traveler.

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