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See & Do
Sharp Technology Innovation Museum

20th Century to the Future

Walking through the history of electronics and modern Japan.

In the hills of Tenri’s Ichinomoto Town is a place that takes us on a journey, from the beginnings of a simple belt buckle, to displays of some of Japan’s leading technology. This is of course the Sharp Technology Innovation Museum.

The museum tells the story of Sharp founder Tokuji Hayakawa. After first inventing a belt buckle, Hayakawa went on to invent the Ever-Sharp Pencil, the mechanical pencil from which the company would get its name. From pencils to radios, TVs to electronic dictionaries, the museum guides us from generation to generation through Sharp products of the past. Bringing us back to today, the final section has some of the company’s most recent developments, giving us a glimpse of what we and future generations will someday see in our daily lives. This is a must place to time travel for those interested in electronics and modern Japanese history. Reservations and admission are required.

The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is located inside the Sharp Advanced Development and Planning Center, a facility established in 1970 when the Expo ’70 was held in Senri, Osaka. At the time, many electronics makers built pavilions and show rooms to display their industry-leading technology to the world. But not Sharp. “Our priority is strengthening our company, instead of a pavilion that will be demolished in half a year,” they said at the time. Sharp instead invested in their semiconductor department, building this research and development facility in Tenri, and adding the catchphrase, “To Tenri, not Senri”. Over fifty years later, the Sharp Advanced Development and Planning Center continues to lead us to tomorrow.


By car: The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is about 1 km east of the Tenri IC on the Nishi-Meihan Expressway, and 1 km west of the Tenri Higashi IC on the Meihan Expressway.

By train: The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is about 2 km east of JR Ichinomoto Station on the Manyo Mahoroba Line.

By bus: The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is about a 15 minute bus ride from JR Tenri Station and Kintetsu Tenri Station. Please take the Nara Kotsu bus for “Sharp Sogo Kaihatsu Center”, and get off at that stop.


The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is located within the Sharp Advanced Development and Planning Center, just east of Akatsuchiyama Kofun tomb and Wanishita Jinja shrine in Tenri’s Ichinomoto Town. This area has many other historical spots, such as the Utazuka, the Kamikaido road, Ariwara Jinja shrine, etc. so it is a great place to walk and feel the local history.


The Sharp Technology Innovation Museum is both a chance to see how its technology has evolved over the years, as well as a window into how Japanese society has changed in that time. It allows us to feel nostalgic for products we once used, and excited for what is yet to come.



Course: Ichinomoto Course
Address:2613-1 Ichinomoto Town, Tenri City, Nara Prefecture
Admission:1,000 yen (general admission) (reservation required, please see website)
Rest Area:No
Website:Sharp Technology Innovation Museum
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