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2022 Time Travel City Projects and Activities

After announcing “Time Travel City” and “Be a Time Traveler.” as the official English catch-copy and slogan of Tenri City in spring 2022, it was very important for these words to belong to everyone, and for people to feel pride in their hometown.

PR Event at the Nara Prefecture Historical and Artistic Culture Complex

July 15th~31st, 2022, we introduced Time Travel City in a PR display about the Yamanobe-no-Michi path at the Nara Prefecture Historical and Artistic Culture Complex’s Information Wing. The theme was “Yamanobe-no-Michi Path Colors of the Seasons  Time Travel City – TENRI”. Also, students from Tenri University who are members of our project planned a game with us, a photo-matching game for all ages to enjoy that shared the beauty of places all over Tenri!

Elective Summer Vacation Project “Tenri ☆ Beauty Discovery! ~Be a Time Traveler.~”

The Tenri City Board of Education gave elementary and junior high school students a mission to decide their own “time travel” theme, research it themselves by asking local people or going to the library, and present what they discover in their own creative work.

With a wide range of themes varying from historical places to personal interests, students used their sensibilities and creativity in the 145 works collected, and we put them on display in December, 2022 at the Nara Prefecture Historical and Artistic Culture Complex.

Students from Tenri University made signs leading people to the venue, and making the participatory activity, the Time Travel Tree! Visitors wrote their favorite “time travel” or things about Tenri on post-it notes, and attached them like flowers around the branches.

Visitors voted for works they felt “did a good job”, and wrote encouraging comments on their ballots as well. The ten works with the most votes received the Good Time Traveler Award, and three other works were chosen by students from Tenri University for the Nice Time Traveler Award.

An awards ceremony was held in February, 2023. Guardians, university students, and many other members of the community attended the ceremony to recognize the students’ hard work on this special day. Along with an awards certificate, students received a commemorative medal modeled after the 33 bronze mirrors with triangular edges that were excavated from Kurozuka Kofun tomb in Tenri City, and the medals were cast by students from Tenri University.

Time Travel Walking Map

In addition, we collaborated with the Nara Prefecture Historical and Artistic Culture Complex, local organizations, and local businesses to create a walking map centered around the Culture Complex, titled “Time Travel Walking Map – Be a Time Traveler! ~Let’s walk with a map in our hand and be a Time Traveler~”.


We of course are starting to share some of the beauty of Tenri City on Instagram @timetravelcity_tenri .

2023 Time Travel City Activities

About Our Project
